Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I've been in Dye Heaven

This is a short post as I have a knitting assignment, Monday I took the magic loop class at the LYS and it was fun, but boy the cast on was a abear!! Since I have to be differenrt I am working Well it has been a bit since my last post. Also I seem to be getting comments from this person: Gardagami I do not know who this person it but do not click if you get comments from this person. It brings you to some program. Anyway I have been in Dye Heaven, yes me and the Easter Egg dyes lol. I have 3 new colorways so far and I have found a supplier of White pencil roving so I am set and ready to rock and roll.

The top one I call "Cotton Candy"
This one was first dyed with food coloring and then over dyed with Easter Egg dye.
These 2 I left them wound up in a skein and dyed them that way and I love the way they came out. The one aboveI call"SUNSET at RED ROCK".

One pair will be for Michael and the other for me Smile. I finally have my temporay bridge in and let me tell you it was now trip in the park either. So I don't drink a lot of cold stuff, I am trying to lose the last bit of weight so I can have my darn surgery. Anyway need to wash the lunch dishes. Have a great day one and all!



Jae said...

Great dye work!

Kim said...

Love it! I've also loved all the emails that you have sent to me with all of those beautiful pictures! Keep them coming.

BTW...I think I may have been bitten by the spinning bug.