Well the picture to the left is my new wheel (used) Majacraft Rose. I think I will pick out a guy's name for this one. I got this at a steal of a deal and I am very excited about it too! This month has been crazy and horribly humid and hot. Nothing worse then walking into your pool and the water is like bath water and this is around 10:30 at night. Or going outside and the air feeling so heavy, I have basically stayed inside except to go for my daily walks early in the morning. Rain where the hell is the damn rain!!!! We need it so badly here it is not funny. The only thing that is growing is the damn weeds and somehow my hibiscus lol. I saw a humming bird on Thursday morning getting nectar from one of the bright red flowers, it was so cute and boy are they tiny. That is the first time I've seen one up here since being down in San Antonio back in March. I used to see them every morning when I would go out for my morning smoke lol.

This here is the escape artist Gangster. He got out of the cage last week Saturday and for several hours we looked for him and I finally found him on the shelf way in back against the wall behind Michael's head band and a piece of wool sleeping. What a little bugger he is. We have to get him a play mate now because he is escaping to look for one of his own kind. So we will see Doris and Don next weekend to see if they have any girls that we can get. We figure get 2 more and that will work as for his company. Though we will have to keep them apart for about 2 months so the females will be bigger. Gangster is almost 6 inches long and he loves to thumb wrestle with Michael and he gives Michael a rash of crap too lol.
This hat below is the second baby hat that I have made. This one is for Parker Sletten and I am making one for his brother Jaxon the same colors only reversed.
So I am working on the shawl, Daja shrug that I have to frog all of the contrasting part of the sleeve because I have to knit I think 12 more rows of the black then the contrast. That's what I get for putting it down for a month then picking it back up. I forgot that after you finish one sleeve you take the other one off the stitch holders and knot "BLACK" first then contrast dah moment. Then I will do Jaxon's hat. I also have another baby hat that I am making for the KNOW guild project. There is a young lady that is getting her Goal or Gold badge which is what is needed to she can be the female version of an Eagle Scout. Well it is late and my lower back is creaming must be fixin' to rain or something cause the joints are starting to hurt so I will go and take my bedtime sugar reading get my beverage and take me knitting and retire. Tomorrow is early to church for class then knitting with the gals at Starbuck's for a couple of hours.

Have a reat Sunday all!
1 comment:
Very nice hat, cant wait to see the shawl!
We used to have a sugar glider, he was so entertaining, loved his mealy worms :)
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